Hello There!

My blog about the life of a Broadcast Journalist student.
I will tell you what I get up to as a student and also the high's and low's and everything you need to know to about been a student at university.
Just to warn you I may ramble on about things that I get up to while living in Stoke.
I shall try not to bore you with my exciting life style lol!

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Youngest by 30 years

I thought I best start doing some more posts as I've been so snowned under with GK Radio work and deadlines that I haven't had enough time to tell you what mischief I've been up to over the last couple of weeks so here we go lol!

Back to the title of this blog, yes.....on Monday night I was woken up at 2:30 in the mornin with the most horrendous pains in my back and stomach. So me been me I refused to go to the hospital as I am TERRIFIED of them and then if you had seen the Dispatches documentary I'd seen that night about the state of hospitals in England and especially in Stafford and Stoke I was definatley not going, so me been the way I am I got back into bed and tried to get back to sleep but could I? Nope! So at 4:00am I finally gave in.

Well you would think having lived in Stoke for a year and half I would know where the hospital was....well no is the answer to that question lol! In all the time I had lived here I had never needed to go anywhere near the place.

I couldn't move out of the bed, I couldn't put my clothes on and I couldn't walk to the car, god I felt useless! So feeling like a baby Ben had to help me out of the bed, dress me and then almost carry me to the car. When we eventually found the hospital which took a long time because lets face it the sign posts in Stoke aren't that helpful, we had to pay over the odds to park, what a joke and to top it all off, I had to give the woman behind the counter my life story.

I tell you if the fashion police had been around I would have been arrested on the spot lol, the robe I was told to put on was NASTY!! It was that horrible material and when you got up and walked round everyone had a nice view of your BUM!

I must have been the youngest by about 30 years! Everyone that was in A and E was OLD and at one point I even had to close my eyes, OMG they were walking round in the robes showing off their winkled bums!

I waited hours to see the Dr, in the mean time I heard a trolley pulling up to my curtain and my worst nightmare came true - NEEDLES! Now I have the biggest phoebia of needles in the world and when I see one, or even in the same room as one, I will scream and pass out. I saw the hand slowly appear around the curtain and that was it, I was off lol, tears, snot, screams and rambling as to why I wasn't have that needle anywhere near me.

Eventually I was allowed to go home and you should have seen me, I was out of that hospial like a flash!

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