Hello There!

My blog about the life of a Broadcast Journalist student.
I will tell you what I get up to as a student and also the high's and low's and everything you need to know to about been a student at university.
Just to warn you I may ramble on about things that I get up to while living in Stoke.
I shall try not to bore you with my exciting life style lol!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


It's 8:55am and i'm already at uni in the Newsroom ready for my jam packed Newsday, too early i tell you! The weather is not very nice either so that hasn't given me the nice feeling you want for a long day having got up at 7:00am to get ready.

I am Radio Presenter this week. I really enjoy doing radio. My editor is Mark and my co-presenter is Ore.

As part of the course you will have a Newsday once a week. In year one you have a 9-1pm Newsday and in year two it lasts from 9-5pm once a week. On a Newsday you are given a different role each week. You are then split into two groups - TV and Radio. The Newsday are there to help you understand what it is like to work in a real newsroom and gives you a chance to do different jobs and find out what you are good at or enjoy the most.

We have 3 radio shows on a Newsday, 10am for 5 minutes, 11am for 10 minutes and one at 12pm for 15 minutes.

TV goes out at 2pm for 5 minutes and 4pm for 15. TV is a lot harder and takes more time to organise so when we have finished doing radio, everyone helps out with TV making everyone's jobs much easier.

Do NOT get me started on the Online part of the Newsday lol! It annoys the hell out of everyone even though it is important, it just rubs us up the wrong way. We HAVE to upload the news stories we write during the day but we get so busy trying to do radio and TV that we kind of forget ooops.

Staffs Live

I try and upload as many stories as i can and one week i uploaded my video of filming i did about a murder in my home town and it has had a far few hits which i am very happy about :D

I drove back home to get the footage at the crime scene, so did all the filming myself and then got James to do the voice over of the story i had wrote for my piece.

This is my package i did for my Newsday. It can also be viewed at Staffs Live or You Tube.

Click here for the full story online