Hello There!

My blog about the life of a Broadcast Journalist student.
I will tell you what I get up to as a student and also the high's and low's and everything you need to know to about been a student at university.
Just to warn you I may ramble on about things that I get up to while living in Stoke.
I shall try not to bore you with my exciting life style lol!

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Money Money Money

It is officially only a few hours until the last installement of the student loans go in. Yes by this time tomorrow almost every student in the land will have some money.....well I say have some money, I should be saying will have had some money because no doubt as soon as it goes in, student's will be going mad and off on one HUGE shopping spree or drinking session!!!

Unfortunately for me my loan has to pay my accommodation which is depressing but like I usually do when people mention money, is go into a daze about what I would really like to buy right now.....well lucky for you I'm going to share my Top 2 :D

1: The Boyfriend Cardigan

New Look


Comes in a range of colours


2: Paul's Boutigue Handbag

Any designer store


Comes in a range of colours


Road Trip

It's 1:11am and I've just got back from a very random road trip. Yes at midnight me and my best friend got the munchies and decided to go to McD's! So after grabbing my car keys and purse, we hopped in the car in our pj's and dressing growns and off we went.

While singing along to my tunes I realised we had to stop at the petrol station, yes that meant I would have to get out in public in my pj's to fill my car up, wooo wouldn't I look cool :D

We finally made it home almost an hour after setting off and after been messed about at the Shell garage by some stupid woman at the counter and then been stuck behind some little chavs in there car at the drive thru I could have bloody used a stiff drink!

So with the large sugar and fat intake, the homemade popcorn, sweets, oreo's and mugs of tea, we grabbed the duvet and watched High School Musical 3, oh YEAH!!!