Yes it has to be said that at the moment every person I know is addicted to Facebook or one of the big social networking sites and when you get to university it gets far worse trust me. I never really went on it until I came to uni and now I can't go a day without checking it and updating my status, sad I no lol!
For those of you who don't know what Facebook is and god forbid why you don't is a social networking site where you are able to stay in contact with all your friends and family. You can also update your status on your personal profile to let people know how you are feeling or what you are up to and believe me it gets addictive.
I update mine everyday or if you want me to be honest I sometimes update it more than once in one day....and yes that could be more than 3 or 4 haha!!!! OMG some of the status updates I have seen have been so funny and very very random.
The majority of students that I know have Facebook. For example the HUGE group email that has been set up for everyone on my course. It is so long it doesn't even fit on one page, you have to click on a link to see more posts and most of it is just us all rambling on about random things but it is entertaining and funny to read.
It is also good for been nosey but sssshhhh don't tell anyone I told you that! I love flicking through all my friends profiles and looking at what their doing or if there is any gossip to catch up on lol!
I would say though my New Year's Resolution for 2010 would be spend to less time on the site and become less addicted haha.....well we shall see how long that lasts lol!