Hello There!

My blog about the life of a Broadcast Journalist student.
I will tell you what I get up to as a student and also the high's and low's and everything you need to know to about been a student at university.
Just to warn you I may ramble on about things that I get up to while living in Stoke.
I shall try not to bore you with my exciting life style lol!

Friday, 6 March 2009


One of my hobbies is taking photographs. I love taking pictures and never go anywhere without my trusty camera. While at university I have taken some fantastic pictures to remind me of my time here. The main reason I take pictures it to keep memories of my life so I can look back and remember all the wonderful things I have done. Some people think I am weird because I always have my camera with me, but you can never risk missing a good photograph, especially funny ones that you can look back on and have a giggle.

I have a Casio Exilim Digital Camera with 7.2 mega pixels and 3x optical zoom, and yes it is PINK!

I would love the camera my dad's got, a Nikon but I've got a long way to go with the savings haha. My dad used to be a Photo - Journalist so I think that is where I get my passion from for taking pictures.

My dream can true last year when I went to New York. It was amazing and the experience was breathtaking, and I have to say it was a photographer's heaven and here are some of the photo's I took while I was there.