Thursday, 26 March 2009
Youngest by 30 years
I thought I best start doing some more posts as I've been so snowned under with GK Radio work and deadlines that I haven't had enough time to tell you what mischief I've been up to over the last couple of weeks so here we go lol!
Back to the title of this blog, yes.....on Monday night I was woken up at 2:30 in the mornin with the most horrendous pains in my back and stomach. So me been me I refused to go to the hospital as I am TERRIFIED of them and then if you had seen the Dispatches documentary I'd seen that night about the state of hospitals in England and especially in Stafford and Stoke I was definatley not going, so me been the way I am I got back into bed and tried to get back to sleep but could I? Nope! So at 4:00am I finally gave in.
Well you would think having lived in Stoke for a year and half I would know where the hospital was....well no is the answer to that question lol! In all the time I had lived here I had never needed to go anywhere near the place.
I couldn't move out of the bed, I couldn't put my clothes on and I couldn't walk to the car, god I felt useless! So feeling like a baby Ben had to help me out of the bed, dress me and then almost carry me to the car. When we eventually found the hospital which took a long time because lets face it the sign posts in Stoke aren't that helpful, we had to pay over the odds to park, what a joke and to top it all off, I had to give the woman behind the counter my life story.
I tell you if the fashion police had been around I would have been arrested on the spot lol, the robe I was told to put on was NASTY!! It was that horrible material and when you got up and walked round everyone had a nice view of your BUM!
I must have been the youngest by about 30 years! Everyone that was in A and E was OLD and at one point I even had to close my eyes, OMG they were walking round in the robes showing off their winkled bums!
I waited hours to see the Dr, in the mean time I heard a trolley pulling up to my curtain and my worst nightmare came true - NEEDLES! Now I have the biggest phoebia of needles in the world and when I see one, or even in the same room as one, I will scream and pass out. I saw the hand slowly appear around the curtain and that was it, I was off lol, tears, snot, screams and rambling as to why I wasn't have that needle anywhere near me.
Eventually I was allowed to go home and you should have seen me, I was out of that hospial like a flash!
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Money! Money! Money!
As my mum always says to me "Money doesn't grow on trees" and for students it certainly doesn't and I would know as last time I looked outside my window there was no money tree ANYWHERE!
The one thing I find all my money goes on apart from clothes, shoes and handbags is FOOD, and I will admitt I love food! (And I do have a lot of handbags ask Ben).
As many of my friends will tell you I am a human dustbin lol and a very lucky one at that as I could eat all day, non stop and not put a ounze of weight on. This is not my fault, I must just have a very high metabolism lol, because let's face it, I'm not the most fittest of people I know. If it was an option of walking or driving, I'm afraid I'd drive!
My main weakness's are:
1. McDonald's
2. Sangams (The best indian takeaway in Stoke)
3. Beans and Cheese Oatcakes with chips from the Ember Lounge (Student Union Bar)
My favorite things to cook are Lasagne, Chilli Con Carne and Chips. I can remember when my mum broke her arm I had to do all the cooking and I learnt how to cook different dishes and these are just a few of my favorite ones. I lived on these in my 1st year at University...they are so easy and quick to make and if you have any left over you can freeze it and just heat it up when you next want some more.
They are quick and cheap to make, and as I am in a nice mood I'll share my secrets with you and help you create your very own dish's! Oh and I don't want you to follow in my tracks and waste your student loans on take-out.
Receipe One
Here is the first of my secrets: Lasagne
500g of mince meat
1x box of egg pasta sheets
1x jar of white lasagne sauce
1x jar of red lasagne sauce
1x block of cheese
Step 1:
Break the mince meet up into a dish or tub that can go in the microwave.
Step 2:
Add in the Red Lasagne sauce. Stir well.
Step 3:
Heat in the mircowave for about 10 minutes.
Step 4:
Take the meat out of the mircowave and spoon out half of the meat into your dish that your going to use for cooking in the oven.
(Add in at this point any extra's that you may fancy like mushrooms, sweetcorn or onion etc...)
Step 5:
Cover the meat with a layer Egg Pasta sheets. Make sure you cover the whole dish, break the sheets apart if you have to, to fit. The pour onto half of the White Lasagne sauce and spread it out so it's covered the sheets.
Step 6:
Repeat step 4, adding in all the meat this time.
Step 7:
Repeat step 5 again. This is your final layer so use all the White Lasagne sauce.
Step 8:
Grate some cheese and sprinkle onto the top layer, covering the White Lasagne sauce.
Step 9:
Put in the oven for 45-50 minutes. Make sure you check near to 45 incase it has already browned on the top and will be ready to serve.
Step 10:
When the top is nice and crispy and bubbling take out of the oven and serve with salad, garlic bread or chips.
Leave me a comment and let me know how it went and what you thought :D
Friday, 6 March 2009
One of my hobbies is taking photographs. I love taking pictures and never go anywhere without my trusty camera. While at university I have taken some fantastic pictures to remind me of my time here. The main reason I take pictures it to keep memories of my life so I can look back and remember all the wonderful things I have done. Some people think I am weird because I always have my camera with me, but you can never risk missing a good photograph, especially funny ones that you can look back on and have a giggle.
I have a Casio Exilim Digital Camera with 7.2 mega pixels and 3x optical zoom, and yes it is PINK!

I would love the camera my dad's got, a Nikon but I've got a long way to go with the savings haha. My dad used to be a Photo - Journalist so I think that is where I get my passion from for taking pictures.
My dream can true last year when I went to New York. It was amazing and the experience was breathtaking, and I have to say it was a photographer's heaven and here are some of the photo's I took while I was there.
My dream can true last year when I went to New York. It was amazing and the experience was breathtaking, and I have to say it was a photographer's heaven and here are some of the photo's I took while I was there.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
The morning after
It is the day after the Diversity Fashion Show and I am officially shattered, but surprisingly still on a high! I slept like a baby last night but still woke up tired and with hair that looked like a huge bush.
Next time I'll remember to brush all the hair spray out properly!! If your wondering why my hair was covered in hairspray well that's because for the show we all had our hair and make up done by professionals.
When it came to my turn I wasn't sure what to have done so I let them go wild and wild they certainly did. OMG!! I couldn't believe it when I looked in the mirror after part of me wanted to cry but the other part was like wow look how different it is, it's amazing. I couldn't believe it was only held up with grips and hairspray, well a lot of hairspray I should say!
I have to say I have never felt the way I did when it came to lining up behind the screen ready to come on....I was shaking like mad and couldn't breathe! I wanted to get out of there but knew there was no going back and all that hard work would have been for nothing, so I just went for it and walked out. WOW is all that came into my head when I stepped out and saw everyone, the lights and the camera's! The nerves were meant to go but they didn't but I was thinking what the hell just go for it girl and that's what I did! The confidence came more and more as I took part in the different catwalks.
First off was Stafford College. These outfits had been made by students like you and I. They were that good they had even made an appearance at the Clothes Show at the NEC in Birmingham last year.

Second was Newcastle College, this was one of my favorite outfits of the night. I had to wear a black top with a big white flower that had been made again by students and I thought it was gorgeous.

The final catwalk was Burlesque. Yes I had to walk down in front of people I didn't know in my underwear!!! Mad? Yes I was! In this catwalk we had to wear corsets, hold-up's or stockings and tutu's that had been made for us with tails to match in the same colour. Each of us had a different colour so we stood out. Seen as it was the very last catwalk of the show we tried to make a memorable one, and that we did, with our sexy walks and seductive moves with Drew the male model, I'm sure people will remember it for a while! Kiss by Prince will stay with me for a very long time, reminding me of the awesome time we had up on the catwalk.

The weeks of practice and planning made the final results fantastic! Everyone worked so hard and it all paid off in the final show. Each catwalk was perfect and gorgeous. No one made any mistakes and it all ran smoothly.
The show was a huge success and I had so much fun. The experience was amazing and I will never forget it. I also made some great friends during the whole thing and will stay in contact with them for a very long time!
Your all STAR'S and deserve a big CHEER for all your hard work :D
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Fashion Show
Nervous? Check!
Excited? Check!
Still breathing? Check!
With two days to go until the Diversity Fashion Show, I am officially bricking it now!!! After attending weeks of practise the day is finally here!
This is something I have always wanted to do, be in a fashion show, but now it has actually come down to it, I am so nervous about getting up on the stage and walking down infront of all those people :S
I found out about the show on the student union website and thought wow this is something I would love to do and here I am, taking part as a model for the Burlesque and Stafford College catwalks.
2009's Diversity Fashion Show will display a variety of styles, cultures and backgrounds, along with the lastest high street fashion. The show's profits will all be going to the Alzheimer's Society and Blackfriars Special School, a local school for children and young adults with special needs.
Burton, New Look, Peacocks and Miss Selfridge will all be making an appearence with their latest styles along with Stafford and Newcastle-under-Lyme Colleges showing off their custom made outfits.
The glamourous night wouldn't be complete with out performances from a local dance company and the University's Dance Society.
The Diversity Fashion Show takes place on Tuesday at the LRV, with the doors opening at 7:30pm and the show beginning at 8:00pm. Tickets are only £3 off the student union website or the union shop :D
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